Has anyone sent Ralan a market update?

About RoF. Because you know, not every writer is on LJ, and someone may just be ready to submit a story. That would be wasting paper and postage.

I thought I should ask first rather than all of us flooding Ralan’s mailbox.

This makes me sad, because some of my friends have stories there, and for others RoF was the dream market.

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This is an outrage

Fashion Police?

While I personally don’t like this trend of "sliding pants that show the underwear," I think it’s outrageous that a Miami Judge is banning and fining young people for such things. I understand and approve that some schools have dress codes and they don’t allow this attire, but to tell people what to wear on their off days is going against the constitution.


This made me cry



I’m such a wimp.

Vatican scientist says OK to believe in aliens and God


No kidding. I’ve been doing it before he gave the OK.

And please, do not use "human race"; it’s incorrect. It is Human species when you refer to all of us.

Writers submitting from outside US

Price of stamps is going up a penny beginning  May 1st. Writers who live outside the US and submit snail mail might want to add the 1cent stamp to their next SASE, because by the time they get the response it might be May.

Correction: that’s 94 cents for international mail.  

Curtesy of JK Cheney